Hello visitors! I'm home and got nothing to do. So? I wanna type some twitters here.
tadi bagi rapot, nilaiku............................. hhhh masih kurang kalo mau masuk ipa. apalagi fisikanya, cuman dapet 77. kkm aja ga nyampe. trus biologi juga mepet bangeeeet. kimia sama matematika nilainya masih alhamdulillah :') ya Allah aku pengen masuk ipa. pengen bikin ayah bunda seneng. trus ntar kalo kuliah bisa ngambil jurusan arsitek (?). pengen punya kesempatan sekelas sama...... orang pinter u.u
tapi kalo nanti aku masuk ipa, pasti bakal banyak pisah sama temen-temen aku sekarang deh. Nesya, nike, nerissa, trus ka ijal juga katanya udah nyerah mau masuk ips aja. aaaah pasti kangen banget deh sekelas lagi sama kalian semua :( ya Allah masukkan teman-temanku yang mau ipa ke ipa ya Allah. Livia, gilang, sindy, putu, kadim, alvin juga. semoga kita semua masuk ipaa yaaa. semoga nanti kalo udah pada penjurusan juga jadi tetep nyampur kayak sekarang :>tadi aku ketemu orang ganteng masa. pake baju oren. what the hell am I thinking about? masa waktu itu bulu mata aku yang mata kanan jatoh. tadinya mau aku tepok-tepok alfabet trus liat bulu matanya ilang di huruf apa? tapi gajadi. akhirnya pake cara yang lebih kampung lagi. naro bulu mata di jari trus berdoa trus tiup deh, kalo bulu matanya ketiup berarti doanya terkabul. doa pertama........... ga ketiup. doa kedua.............. ga ketiup. doa ketiga............. ketiup. yaah mungkin cuma segitu aja bisanya. gapapa kok :") hhhhhh ]]@!#$%^&^%$#???
Today's activity:
1. Translating my daddy's tasks from English to Indonesian. Kinda hard and tiring, but it's also FUN! I learnt a lot of vocabularies and business terminology. And the best point? My father also pay me for this job :D
2. Spending weekend in Bandung
3. Perhaps a little bit shopping with my mom and grandma
4. Tweeting and Tumblring if I have my free-time, which is always :p
5. I don't know, any ideas?
This is boring and I'm bored,
Fildza Hasnamudhia
15 mai 2010
I'm the queen of random
10 mai 2010
hey pals! it's been so long since my last "story-telling" right? wanna hear some stories? I'll give you bunch.
eh coba deh klik label yang lovelife, LOL trus baca mulai dari cerita paling awal. kemaren aku iseng-iseng aja baca, dan sumpah itu aku baru nyadar kalo ceritanya tentang banyak orang banget. yes, it's about A LOT OF people. yang awal-awal well yeah everybody knows it's about A, right? and then, show up Macherie, my pet in pet society hahaha ♥. after her, come up...... Joo Ji-hoon and Kimbum, LAUGH-OUT-LOUD! hahaha aduh dulu aku tergila-gila banget yaa sama dua orang sipit itu baru nyadar -.-
then, wow there's a story about O hmmm how are you now, boasty? and then come up the story about Lale, yayaya he's the guitarist of Maliq and D'essentials and yayaya bunches girls love him either. and then come up the story about R HAHAHA, kenapa coba dulu aku bisa suka sama dia???? trus abis itu tentang MAS GANTENG! apa kabar ya dia skrg? aku ga pernah liat dia lagi di chics....
trus abis itu tentang J wakakakak kocak amat. kenapa seleraku...........-.- and the next story is about JASON! weeew he's my forever love, no doubt ♥. by the way, i miss you Jas :) and hell yeah the next story is about this man. I dont want to tell you what's the first letter of his name. it's just hurt.
dia......................................... aku jadi bingung mau ngomong apa. takut dia tau. HA HA HA ody, dia tau nama kamu aja engga. katanya dulu iya, tapi kemaren engga. yang bener yang mana sih???? bikin aku bingung banget taugaaa??? dan begonya kenapa aku kepikiran terus sampe seharian ini jadi males ngapa-ngapain.
you're not THAT worth.
iya dy ngomong gampang, tapi kenapa susah banget buat ngelakuin itu??? SPOT ON! because the fact is you are THAT worth for me. I just keep asking, why can't you see? But I fronted long enough to know there is no way.
You gave me sweet dreams. You gave me nightmares. At the same time.
You invited me to fly away with the birds. You let me fall to the bottom of the sea. At the same time.
You gave me hopes. And then you got out of the way. You made me confused. You made me wait. I've been waiting.
But I'm too tired right now. You've made it. I just...... I just don't understand the story. You made it hard. I don't understand, it's just too hard. I can't read it. I don't understand the languange.
Eyes, smile, glanced, where all the memories lie. It's enough dear. I know you're a nice person, a really nice person :) So please, stop it. I'll stop it. You've ruined the story. I've ruined the story. It doesn't work. We'll never make it work.
So the red line is........ ahhh I can't! I've tried, but it always ends up with I've been tired. I'm tired to tell the wrong story to my heart. If only you could hear...... But I'll keep on trying. I just have to avoid that eyes.
Really big thanks for reading,
Fildza Hasnamudhia (in case someone doesn't know my full name)
p.s: that's hurt
eh coba deh klik label yang lovelife, LOL trus baca mulai dari cerita paling awal. kemaren aku iseng-iseng aja baca, dan sumpah itu aku baru nyadar kalo ceritanya tentang banyak orang banget. yes, it's about A LOT OF people. yang awal-awal well yeah everybody knows it's about A, right? and then, show up Macherie, my pet in pet society hahaha ♥. after her, come up...... Joo Ji-hoon and Kimbum, LAUGH-OUT-LOUD! hahaha aduh dulu aku tergila-gila banget yaa sama dua orang sipit itu baru nyadar -.-
then, wow there's a story about O hmmm how are you now, boasty? and then come up the story about Lale, yayaya he's the guitarist of Maliq and D'essentials and yayaya bunches girls love him either. and then come up the story about R HAHAHA, kenapa coba dulu aku bisa suka sama dia???? trus abis itu tentang MAS GANTENG! apa kabar ya dia skrg? aku ga pernah liat dia lagi di chics....
trus abis itu tentang J wakakakak kocak amat. kenapa seleraku...........-.- and the next story is about JASON! weeew he's my forever love, no doubt ♥. by the way, i miss you Jas :) and hell yeah the next story is about this man. I dont want to tell you what's the first letter of his name. it's just hurt.
dia......................................... aku jadi bingung mau ngomong apa. takut dia tau. HA HA HA ody, dia tau nama kamu aja engga. katanya dulu iya, tapi kemaren engga. yang bener yang mana sih???? bikin aku bingung banget taugaaa??? dan begonya kenapa aku kepikiran terus sampe seharian ini jadi males ngapa-ngapain.
you're not THAT worth.
iya dy ngomong gampang, tapi kenapa susah banget buat ngelakuin itu??? SPOT ON! because the fact is you are THAT worth for me. I just keep asking, why can't you see? But I fronted long enough to know there is no way.
You gave me sweet dreams. You gave me nightmares. At the same time.
You invited me to fly away with the birds. You let me fall to the bottom of the sea. At the same time.
You gave me hopes. And then you got out of the way. You made me confused. You made me wait. I've been waiting.
But I'm too tired right now. You've made it. I just...... I just don't understand the story. You made it hard. I don't understand, it's just too hard. I can't read it. I don't understand the languange.
Eyes, smile, glanced, where all the memories lie. It's enough dear. I know you're a nice person, a really nice person :) So please, stop it. I'll stop it. You've ruined the story. I've ruined the story. It doesn't work. We'll never make it work.
So the red line is........ ahhh I can't! I've tried, but it always ends up with I've been tired. I'm tired to tell the wrong story to my heart. If only you could hear...... But I'll keep on trying. I just have to avoid that eyes.
Really big thanks for reading,
Fildza Hasnamudhia (in case someone doesn't know my full name)
p.s: that's hurt
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