Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

10 octobre 2009

talking talking only

eheh aps kabarr semuax? Quh kangggen beeuuuddhhh - alay dugong

hahaha eh tapi bener ding aku udah lama ga ngepost. malaaay abisnya gatau kenapa bosen. trus tambah ga semangat gitu gara-gara ngeliat blog temen-temen udah tambah bagus aje uhuhu. tapi tiba-tiba pengen nulis sesuatu. mau curhat ceritanya tapi tulisannya aku sembunyikan (kalo mo baca: double click)

hmm i have some not-important-things in my mind now and stupid yeah, i just cant stop thinking about that hahaha like its spinning freaky and twisting crazy in my beautiful brain :p and i cant stoppp it, so i cant stop being freaky and crazy because of that stupid thing. and i know on the otherside, it makes me more sensi than usual yea especially when i'm at school. sometimes it makes me sooooo happy and i'll have a biiig smile for all the day. but on other sometimes, i just feel like it ignores me and i'll feel like what Lenka said: live like you're dying (lebay). BUT i dont know why i usually think that im not sure about my feeling now, yes, not, yes, not. because to be honest, **'s not my type hahahahhaa. but what should i do when "he's not my type" ends up being "the one"? huekekek. okay this afternoon i'll visit lipi's home and i'll talking talking talking until berbusa
